Medina County Engineer Directory
- General administrative office duties for Engineer's office
- Liaison to County Commissioners and other agencies
- Personnel related information
- Personnel rules / regulations
- Applications
- OSHA compliance and issues
Engineer - Administrative
- General Engineer's office information
- Receptionist / Secretary
- County road map distribution
- Accounts receivable / Accounts payable / Payroll
Engineer - Engineering
- Computer aided drafting (CAD)
- Technical engineering drafting
- Contract bridge design and inspection
- Annual bridge condition inspection
- Technical plan drawing
- Inspection of contracted drainage, bridge, and road side work
- Drainage calculations and sizing of structures
- AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR)
Geographic Information Systems
- Computerized Tax Map program
- Aerial Photographs - Medina County
- Topographical Mapping - Medina County
- Computerized plat maps
- Zoning maps - Townships/Villages
- Computerized Specialty mapping
- Computerized Aerials - Tax Maps
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
Highway - Superintendent
- Highway Maintenance Facility
- Highway Maintenance Operations
- Bridges - County and Township roads
- Design and bidding
- Annual condition inspection
- Repairs and maintenance
- Pavement maintenance and sealing
Highway - Management and Engineering
- Project management
- Pavement bidding and contracting
- Drainage design
- Traffic Studies
- County road culvert replacement and extensions
- Culvert maintenance inspections
- Cleaning outlets to road culverts
- Contracted drainage, bridge, and roadside work
- Drainage calculations and watershed data
- Pavement and Culvert Inspection
- Pavement contract administration
- Septic Permission Discharge
Highway - Administrative
- General administrative office duties
- Contract documents and procedures
- Highway Dept policies
- County and Township crash reports
- General information
- Billing and invoicing information
- De-icing salt, ordering and billing
- Accounts payable
Highway - Facility Maintenance
- Construction equipment and vehicle maintenance
- Maintenance, purchasing and repairs
- Facility maintenance and repairs
- Maintenance materials, parts purchasing and inventory
- Maintenance of County Engineer's vehicles
- Maintenance of Highway Department's trucks and equipment
- Prevailing wages coordinator
- OUPS notice for County projects
Highway - Foremen
- Snow and ice removal
- Culvert replacement and maintenance
- Bridge and culvert repairs
- Open ditch maintenance and cleaning
- General drainage issues on County maintained roads and bridges
- Roadside mowing and vegetation control
Highway - Traffic Control
- Sign shop, placement, and inventories
- Traffic control and speed studies
- Centerline striping and pavement markings
- Raised pavement markers - placement and inventory
- Safety matters
- Railroad crossings - gates and flashers
- Guardrail installation and maintenance
Information Technology
- Computerized Tax Map program
- Assistance and purchasing
- Computer maintenance, consultation
- Computer software/support/purchasing
- Network and internet security
- Computer security
- IT/IS research
- Programming in HTML, Perl, Javascript
- CGI scripting projects
- Web design
- Database management and maintenance
- Photolab software for digital photos
- County Permits program restructuring
- Working within road right-of-way
- Driveways
- Oversize / overweight vehicles
- Oil and gas wells
- Storm water and erosion control
- Ditch enclosures
- Ponds
- Inspections involving utilities
- Driveway installations
- Ditch enclosure installations
- Installations, escort and inspection
- Oversize / overweight vehicles
- Installations, escort and inspection
- Oversize / overweight vehicles
- County Engineering projects
- Engineering/subdivisions
- Subdivision inspections
- Drainage assessments
- Maintenance of drainage systems in subdivisions
- Storm water detention
- Flood plain information
- Township/County road mileage - O.D.O.T.
- Commercial Site Plan Review
Stormwater - Technicians
- Inspections involving residential and commercial drainage
- Storm water management permits
- Drainage problems
- Inspection of existing subdivision involving drainage
- Assessment funds
- Construction staking - County / Township
- Centerline and right-of-way surveys
- Culvert replacement surveys
- Outlet and road ditch profiles
- Township property surveys
- Cemetery surveys
- Site plans and topographic surveys
- Road records and County field books
- Benchmarks
- County conveyance standards
- State minimum standards (surveys)
- Technical traffic studies
- Clear sight distance / intersections
- Traffic sign upgrading
- EaglePoint engineering / surveying software assistance
- (Truck) weigh sites / sheriff's office
- Technical engineering design / surveying
- Purchasing technical supplies and equipment
Tax Maps
- Lot sizes, dimensions, acreage
- Addresses and new house numbers
- Current parcel owner names
- Current date of ownership
- Permanent parcel numbers
- Township ownership maps
- General assistance involving
- Annexations
- Condominiums
- Platting subdivisions
- New street / road names
- Road numbering
- County conveyance standards
- Updating of County map
- Old surveys /old plat books *
- Old Tax Map copies *
* Relocated to Tax Map Archives at the County Engineer's
Records Room
(See Gina Frimel, Admin Secretary) 791 W Smith Road
Medina, OH 44256